17 July 2011

Roaming and Running

Starwalker surveyed the dark space and gleaming points of light as the Rifter cruised around Old Man Star and the surrounding systems. This was not first the time that he had been here nor would it be the last time, however, was the Rifter the wrong ship to be roaming in?

Thinking back, Starwalker noted that:
1)    No fights had been had in any of these lowsec systems
2)    Running from assault frigates and battlecruisers was almost normal
3)    Sometimes, playing chase me was dangerous fun
4)    Very few or no other frigates seemed to be in system at the same time
5)    Those few other frigate pilots tended to be much, much older or very red
6)    Some pilots were clearly doing small gang roams
7)    Transport ships hidden in deep safes and at least one encounter at a POS
One notable highlight was playing chase me with Taurean Eltanin in a Vengeance and some other Tuskers in ships like Jaguars. However, not wishing to be immortalised in Eltanin’s blog as his next victim, after a little running around, Starwalker eventually jumped away and found Rixx Javix in the adjacent system. Cool, two of New Eden’s finest bloggers so close together – would they find each other soon?
Back in the present, Starwalker hit the directional scanner, just to check what was out there, nothing interesting, and then continued to think about the lack of fights. Perhaps the real problem was with Starwalker himself?
1)    Where he was looking for fights
2)    Over rating other ships, in particular assault frigates
3)    Under rating his own Rifter and pilot strengths
4)    Being too specific in types of targets and pilots to engage
Quick check of the directional scanner again and the usual array of assault frigates and battlecruisers. Perhaps it was time to throw caution to the solar winds and take on that Jaguar, then again, why throw a Rifter away needlessly? To engage a decent Jaguar pilot in a Rifter would at least require maximising key skills first and hoping that surprise would be a winning factor.
Starwalker set a course for home and hit warp, he would die another day, not today. His skills were simply not ready yet to engage more experienced pilots in better ships and hope to win. Perhaps the real problem was simply lack of patience.

1 comment:

  1. Assault frigates can be a tough fight for a Rifter, on the other hand if lets say a wolf is sporting 200s and you can get under his guns. You might be able to pull out an upset, also noobs in assault ships are also valid targets.

    Finding frig fights in low sec can be tough, but if you look hard enough you'll find then :).
