2 July 2011

Prey in Poinen

Starwalker and Zodiac Black were joined by Miura Bull, Drago Issier and ArkReaper in Nomaa. The only contact so far had been with a Ferox but it was suspected that the pilots of Space Jumpers would elect for battlecruisers or similar sized ships. So Miura Bull transferred to a Myrmidon, Drago came in a Megathron and ArkReaper in a Hurricane.

Starwalker and Drago entered Poinen to look around and Starwalker found two pilots (uneX86 and Imperial Damnation) in dock. Suddenly as Starwalker undocked there was a call that a fight was breaking out on the gate to Nomaa and he raced to the scene. It was chaos with Rebels and Space Jumpers firing at each other furiously.

The nearest target was a Prophecy battlecruiser piloted by Doktor Farlig and the Rifter sped into action with autocannons blazing away and scramble applied. Imperial Damnation had also undocked and was flying in a Raven battleship, which targeted Starwalker with his HammerHead II drones. The drones were not very effective but the Prophecy was going down very slowly and the Rifter’s shields started to drop as the drones continued to attack. Eventually, after what seemed an age the prophecy exploded (http://r1fta.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=10045283) and Starwalker wasted no time - locking and scrambling uneX86’s Ferox battlecruiser.

Starwalker’s Rifter was now taking serious damage as Hornet II and Valkrie drones also tried to apply some hurt. The Ferox had already taken a lot of damage so the Rifter carried on firing away as the shields dropped further waiting to see the Ferox go down. But it was starting to get close, the shields had nearly gone. The Ferox gave a last gasp and then burst into flames (http://r1fta.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=10045269) and Starwalker warped away with just a sliver of shield remaining, to let the shields regenerate before re-engaging.
Starwalker waited for what seemed an age as the fight continued and the shields slowly, very slowly regenerated. When the shields were up to 75% he could wait no longer and warped back in to the battle. Space Jumpers still had two Ravens and a Drake battlecruiser engaging the rebels. Starwalker moved in for the kill, locking, scrambling and firing on the Drake, piloted by... uneX86. He had lost the Ferox and had now come back in another ship! He must be a glutton for punishment.

Starwalker’s Rifter was soon taking damage again from the drones and but he wanted to see the kill, to see the Drake become a fireball. The shields soon dropped again to 5% and the Rifter’s armour and structure would offer no real resistance, he had to leave now. But the Drake was also getting close, maybe just a little longer, just another few seconds. No, the Rifter had to go the armour was already 25% gone so warp was engaged. But, just as the Rifter started to warp away, the Drake lit up the heavens like a firework (http://r1fta.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=10045272) and a nearby Raven joined the Drake in providing the light show for the locals. The last Raven decided it was time to bug out and the Rebels had emerged victorious.

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