17 July 2011

Cost Effective Ship Fitting

Starwalker considered his ISK balance and noted that he was still ISK challenged. There simply was not enough ISK to buy small fleets of ships and fit them with no consideration of cost. Indeed maximising ship performance with good equipment selection and fitting whilst minimising the cost of the hulls and fittings was still a key consideration.

Inevitably this leads to making compromises – selecting a lower performing item because it costs considerably less or modifying a fit to accommodate the exclusion of very expensive item(s). Starwalker mulled it over and brought two similar fits onto the Neocom console. The first fit used an expensive Internal Force Field Array and was the main reason that it came in at just over 42m ISK:

The statistics look good, apart from the cost:
·         DPS – 159
·         Effective HP – 4271
·         Speed – 1154
·         Capacitor stable at 86%
However, the cost is a factor and this shield tanked Rifter could come in at considerably less ISK with some modifications. Starwalker compared it to the second fit on the console:

The statistics looked similar and the cost is now around 15m ISK:
·         DPS – 155 versus 159 or a ~3% loss
·         Effective HP – 4286 versus 4271 or a ~3% improvement
·         Speed – 1154 is the same
·         Capacitor stable at 86% is the same
Starwalker knew that this was an easy choice. No fight had yet been decided by a 3% difference in performance and so the best bang for buck was the second Rifter fit. Others might choose differently but Starwalker’s wallet had the made the final choice. Selecting the second fit, Starwalker quickly placed the market orders to fit his small fleet of Rifters.

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