22 August 2011

Rifter Duel in Ardar

Starwalker received a challenge to a Rifter duel and decided to head over to Ardar to accept it. The challenger was from Moira and was a younger pilot. On the surface it seemed like a straightforward brawl and Starwalker should win.

Starwalker had decided to use an armour fit rather than the usual shield tank and would watch the capacitor closely. Given the discussion with Zodiac after the practice duel in Lantorn Starwalker was also going to fight at around 4km.

The Rifters burnt towards each other at a safe location in space and Starwalker started taking damage at around 12km away. That was a surprise! Starwalker settled into range at 4km and opened fire with the default phased plasma and started the NOS. The enemy Rifter shields seemed to be holding nicely as Starwalker entered armour. The armour repair was started and was soon being overheated as the damage continued to come in. 

Finally Valla Vuld entered armour but this fight was not looking good. Starwalker was surprised that so little damage was being done but so much damage was being taken and before long the armour was nearly gone. It was time to leave and Starwalker aligned out and warped away to the nearest gate with flames from the burning Rifter leaving a spluttering trail. That had not gone to plan at all.

Good fights were exchanged and in the conversation following Valla Vuld revealed the use of a tracking disruptor (optimal range). Starwalker had not even noticed that - yet further proof, if any were needed, of lack of situational awareness. Valla reissued the challenge and it was accepted, after repairing.

This time the fight went very differently. Starwalker came in fast orbited at 600m or so and overheated the guns. The result was very different too as Valla Vuld exploded into a fireball of death. Starwalker had learnt a valuable lesson (again) about watching the fight and reacting to the information. The problem to solve was using that information during a fight and that would require practice.

1 comment:

  1. Tracking disruptor Rifters are nasty little things, I've seen them take out Assault frigs before.
