25 September 2011

T1 - Kestrel Kite Strikes Again

Duke Thunderhorse was in system looking for a T1 tournament victim. Starwalker answered the call and emerged in a new Kestrel after the last one got its comeuppance from Overnauta.

The Kestrel swooped into the fray and engaged from 18km. The missiles smashed into the Rifter and it was unable to respond. The Rifter shields disappeared and the red march through armour continued uninterrupted. The Duke was about to be demoted to a corpse when the capacitor ran out and the point dropped.

Duke Thunderhorse needed no second invitation to leave the dance and warped away. Starwalker waited, guessing that the Duke was bouncing between planets and trying to repair. Starwalker waited for the capacitor to recharge rather than waste a booster and then warped to the Duke for the last dance.

Duke’s Rifter hung limply in space near a huge planet. The Kestrel circled its prey, which was in bad shape with around 25% armour remaining but the shields had recharged back up to 90%. The Duke was bloodied but ready and went for one last throw of the dice with a do or die run at the Kestrel.

It was no good – he was too slow and too weak to put up much more of a fight and a few more shots laid the Duke to rest (http://r1fta.griefwatch.net/?p=details&kill=2695). The Kestrel kite had struck again.

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