22 September 2011

T1 - Kestrel Gets Comeuppance

Overnauta was in his Rifter ready for T1 tournament combat and arrived on scene to find Starwalker’s Kestrel. The Kestrel moved in and engaged at a distance of around 18km. The Rifter tried to respond but the 150mm autocannons simply missed completely. It looked like the Kestrel would claim another victim.

It was looking bad for Overnauta but his luck was just about to change as Starwalker accidently burnt out his microwarpdrive and then his missile launchers. Starwalker was helpless, waiting for the inevitable end. The Rifter closed in and started scoring some real hits. The Kestrel shields dropped away but unexpectedly the firing stopped – Overnauta had in turn burnt out his guns!

The real result was right there – a draw due to both pilots burning out their weapons. But this was the Black Rebel Rifter Club and the right outcome is a kill!

So a rematch was agreed and a few minutes later the fight was on again. However, Starwalker was having trouble with the controls and despite trying to turn off the overheating on the missiles – it wouldn’t work. Starwalker was winning the fight but had to leave because his missile launchers had burnt out again. As soon as he did so he realized that it was a mistake and that he should forfeit the match.

Overnauta was very sporting and suggested a third and final match. Starwalker knew that he should change ships but since he should have lost the match already he decided to stay in the Kestrel and see what Overnauta could do – third time lucky.

Overnauta’s 280mm artillery fit Rifter managed to land reasonably close to the Kestrel from the warp-in and he lost no time in striking first. It was a good and massive hit and the Kestrel shield melted down to 25% immediately. Starwalker tried to gain a bit more range and delayed overheating the missile launchers because of the earlier trouble with overheating. It was a fatal mistake.

The Rifter continued to apply damage out to 20km but much less so and the Kestrel was slowly catching up, tearing away the Rifter shields and armour. But the excellent first strike start, the delayed overheating of missile launchers and a final well-aimed artillery shot decided the match. The Kestrel had got its comeuppance (http://r1fta.griefwatch.net/?p=details&kill=2690).

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