29 April 2013

Perfect Fitting Skills

Starwalker had perfect fitting skills with the completion of Advanced Weapon Upgrades V. It now seemed that training choices were largely based on whim or indeed next ship or fit to fly. As he still enjoyed racing around in frigates he had started to train Small Energy Turret to V - not because he intended to use it immediately but because it gave him the choice to do so when he wanted. 

Whilst Starwalker could fly most sub-capital ships he had not trained the large weapon systems so that would need to be added to the list, as well as filling out to level V select support skills such as Energy Grid Upgrades or XYZ Compensation skills. Navigation was already at level V but there were plenty of other skills at III or IV that would add a little extra performance. In the majority of cases that little extra didn't matter but on occasion it did, especially when meeting top ranked pilots. Starwalker had been lucky like that recently - meeting and being destroyed by pilots such as Zoe Fishpants (~2596), Rakkanar (~34) and Radzak87 (~253).

Space was filled with plenty of pilots roaming around New Eden and not all of them were top ranked. Starwalker liked to kill them all (or at least try to) and get their pods but getting pods was becoming rarer as pilots seemed to know to spam warp just before destruction. That made getting the pod even sweeter when it did happen and when possible he liked to collect the corpse as well as the loot.

That was the case with this cyno-ship that was killed at a leisurely pace after warping in, shooting, warping out and then back again. This sequence nicely exploited sentry gun mechanics that did not maintain aggression following the warp out. The pilot, ChanDoi, was slow to warp his pod away and so Starwalker collected his corpse too.

It was similar with this Rifter pilot at a small complex that stayed to fight but was easily destroyed by a dual web Caldari Navy Hookbill and was slow to get his pod away. Starwalker liked the dual web Hookbill fit for its range control and wondered if he could use the same idea on other T1 frigates like the Kestrel or even the Merlin. The benefit would be strong range control up to 13km but the downside would be less tank and especially for the Merlin with its shield resistance bonus, that would be a significant waste.

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