14 January 2012

Rebels Roam into Great Wildlands

Kaeda Maxwell had organized a Rebel Frigate Roam and a number of Rebels had gathered in Heild to join the expedition. Starwalker was in a Hookbill but felt “over-dressed” as everyone else sported T1 frigates.

Starwalker returned in his tanky Rifter as the Rebels set off looking for trouble. The initial tour around Molden Heath yielded no targets of opportunity and the fleet stopped to consider options. Kaeda enquired about any Rebel concerns over being podded and possible loss of expensive implants. The consensus was every ship and every clone was totally expendable – a very Rebel attitude, as explained by Duke Thunderhorse.

So the Rebels jumped into the Great Wildlands, null-sec space, at B-VIP9. Null-Sec is notorious for gate camps at entry points and campers using bubbles to trap their hapless victims. The Rebels jumped straight into B-VIP9 and a drag bubble but the three bubblers decided they wanted no part of this frigate fleet and quickly retreated.

Kaeda took the opportunity to explain bubble mechanics and then the roam continued. It was not long before the Rebels encountered a Drake in 6WT-BE at the gate and engaged it but the Drake was not alone and was soon joined by a Cyclone and Stabber Fleet Issue. This was going to be difficult.

The situation was soon chaotic and space was filled with drones attacking the Rebel frigates, which were primarily focused on the Stabber Fleet Issue. Starwalker was barely in range of the Stabber but quickly switched fire from the Stabber to the drones and set about knocking them out.

The Stabber Fleet Issue was going down but it was not going down alone, and as the Stabber succumbed to the swirling death it took some Rebel frigates with it: Kaeda Maxwell and Kooba Kaunder. The remaining Rebels continued to engage the Cyclone and Drake, along with the still numerous drones but what was a very difficult battle suddenly turned into a losing one as the Stabber pilot returned in a Myrmidon.

The five remaining frigates were now facing three battlecruisers and it was inevitable what would happen next – more Rebels would become fireballs. Soon, Brink Albosa and Starwalker’s Rifter exploded. It was time to retreat after a good fight and the remaining three Rebels tried to disengage to avoid now certain destruction. But that was not going to be easy and before Miura Bull could escape his Jaguar was destroyed. Fortunately, Lao Mah and Vincent R’lyeh got away with their frigates trailing fire.

The Rebel fleet no longer existed but the roam was not over as the Rebels returned to base to get another frigate and reform. It had been a good fight in 6WT-BE and in the final tally a good exchange – a Stabber Fleet Issue for a Jaguar and four Rifters. Reformed, the Rebels set off again into the Great Wildlands.

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