1 October 2012

Drake Bubbled in Syndicate

Starwalker had jumped from Gultratren to Covyrn to wander around Placid and Syndicate looking for a fight but he had not reckoned on being blobbed in a bubble. He had gone down a path in Syndicate that was effectively a dead end in his Drake and had started the return journey without having found anyone flying in space. Just because he hadn't seen anyone flying in space did not mean that he was alone though.

The joy of nullsec is that the local residents will have their communications operational and go for complete overkill at a gate. The Drake came back into a system and at the out gate found a Zealot 15km away. It had been very quiet but with six in local Starwalker wondered if it was simply bait. As he started to burn towards it a Jaguar arrived at the gate locking him and the Zealot started to fire.

Starwalker decided that this was bait, it was not going to end well and that there were probably more on their way, so he burnt back towards the gate and jumped. He thought he had been clever until he found that he had jumped into a bubble and many more ships. He wasn't sure if they were waiting for him or not and wondered if the Jaguar, which hadn't fired, would jump through and hopefully panic and drop cloak first.

However, the Jaguar was with this fleet and Starwalker knew that it was all over. He could not make it back to the other side and he was very unlikely to take anything down fast enough with this much firepower on the field. He burnt away from the majority of the ships and targeted the nearest ship a Rupture. It didn't matter, within seconds he was blown up. The pod quickly followed and he resurrected in Fensi - he had forgotten to reset his home station.

There was nothing in Fensi as it had all been moved to Gultratren, so he slow boated back to Covryn in his capsule and reset his home station. At least the next time he was podded he would wake up in the right station, one with implants and ships.

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