22 April 2012

System Chronometer Fixed

The engineer closed the Neocom console and declared the System Chronometer fixed. The issue was apparently due to outside interference and had resulted in much reduced active pilot time. Starwalker had lost weeks of flying time and wanted to get into space. 

More importantly, he had wanted to do that flying in battlecruisers but they had increased in price from around 30m ISK to around 50m ISK. Starwalker checked his wallet, he could not afford to lose many fitted ships at that price and that made them too expensive. Checking other ship prices it seemed like everything had gone up.

Starwalker decided to buy some more frigates, mainly T1 frigates and the Crow, which seemed reasonable at around 11m ISK. He would be flying in space again very soon and he was looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Another interceptor worth looking at is a railgun raptor. A combination of the extra long point on heat, plus the optimal range of the rails with the long range ammo (Spike I think) would be great for taking out some other frigates. The DPS is low, but anything missing an active tank is going to die to it.
