26 March 2012

Resupply Station with Ammunition

Starwalker was disappointed. Over a number of weeks he had not really been flying in space as Starstepper had been active moving ships and Starwalker simply had to wait for the resupply. The problem had been exacerbated when the Merlin fit had failed and that had required more equipment and the right ammunition to be moved.

Star Shikkoken had been pressed into service, operating out of Jita to reduce the need for moving ships and equipment from Hek but Star had no skills and only a Reaper for transport. However, that was enough when purchasing some small items and moving them into The Citadel.

There was a second reason for Star Shikkoken to be pressed into service. Starwalker wanted to check if Star could station trade in Jita and see if a small profit could be made. Or preferably a not so small profit. Station trading had been profitable for Starstepper but the profit was so small that it was not enough to support Starwalker's combat losses.

Starwalker was not sure how this station trading would work out but he wanted to give it another try before moving to other means to gain ISK and keep a ready supply of ships and equipment.

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